I am an associate professor of Evolutionary Biology at Swarthmore College. My lab uses a combination of selection analysis, social network analysis, animal behavior, and mutli-level selection theory to understand how the social environment can shape and be shaped by the process of natural selection.
We study the charismatic forked fungus beetle (Bolitotherus cornutus) as a model system to understand how social behaviors evolve. B. cornutus have sustained and recurring social interactions and are a classic example of sexual selection for male weaponry.
My students and I travel to Mountain Lake Biological Station each summer to conduct the field components of our research.
Our scientific discoveries become
important only when we
communicate them to others.

I am very fortunate to
work with so many
talented, brilliant, and
joyfully goofy people.
Vince Formica, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Swarthmore College
Department of Biology
500 College Ave
Swarthmore, PA 19081
(610) 328-8621
I live at Mountain Lake Biological Station during the summer. There is no cell reception so the best way to contact me from Mid-May to Mid-August is via email.